
Dean Message


<p dir="ltr" style="text-align:justify"><span style="color:#2980b9"><strong>In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad and his pure family. The College of Education for Women is one of the colleges of Basra University. It is one of the recently established colleges of this pioneering distinguished university from which famous figures of science and literature have graduated over the years as it was and is still a source of fruitful scientific and intellectual achievements. The College of Education for Women is an important part of this creative cultural and scientific achievement since its foundation up to the present. The College of Education for Women has four scientific departments: Arabic, History, Geography, Educational and Psychological Sciences. Also, the college is in the process of opening an English Department since the innovation has been approved. In addition, the college is also going to open the scientific departments needed by the labour market, such as the Departments of Chemistry, Biology and Computer Sciences to provide the Ministry of Education with the necessary scientific competencies. And, in order to raise the scientific level of our graduates, the college is working hard to open Master studies in the college departments, as the master study is now available in the History Department only, but our efforts and since the beginning of the current academic year have resulted in obtaining approval for starting Master programmes in two departments, the departments of Arabic, and Educational and Psychological sciences. From the very beginning of taking over the duties of deanship, we have devoted our attention to the scientific and educational aspects in order for the College of Education for Women to be at the forefront of colleges despite the lack of capabilities and the narrow building. We have done our best, but the current conditions hinder our goal. We pray to Allah to help us serve the educational process. Allah blesses us all. May Allah protect you from all evil, and may Allah&rsquo;s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.</strong></span></p>

Professor Dr. Abdul-Wahid Ziyara Iskandar
University of Basrah Basra University - College of Education for Girls


<p dir="ltr" style="text-align:justify"><span style="color:#2980b9"><strong><span style="font-size:16px">An Educational and scientific institute that intends to prepare academic cadres who are well qualified to be distinguished in the field of higher education and scientific research according to highly qualified academic and scientific measures</span></strong></span></p>