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Basra University organizes an electronic lecture on Internet addiction
 The College of Education for Women at the University of Basra organized an electronic lecture on Internet addiction held by the Department of Educational Sciences in cooperation with the Department of Psychological and Educational Guidance at the University of Basra.
 The lecture aims to study this situation in which individuals spend most of their time using smartphones and it is difficult to stay away from them, and the negative impact of this disorder on the social life of the person.
 The lecture, which was presented by Dr. Sana Abdul-Zahra Al-Jamaan and Dr. Hana Abdul-Nabi Al-Abadi, touched on the definition of addiction, which is a disease disorder that occurs to people who spend long useless hours in front of computer screens.
 Al-Abadi explained that the cause of Internet addiction lies in the fact that it always provides easy solutions for users, for example, the ease of talking with other people, the ease of purchasing their needs from shops, the availability of electronic games, and finding people to play with.