University of Basrah organizes a panel discussion on the date of the death of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib (may God be pleased with him)

University of Basrah organizes a panel discussion on the date of the death of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib (may God be pleased with him)

 The College of Education for Women at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion entitled the opinions of Muslim historians on the date of the death of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib (may God be pleased with him).

 The episode presented by the teacher, Ikhlas Mortada Hamid, from the Department of History, showed the views of the most famous Muslim historians who were concerned with writing the biography of the Messenger (may God bless him and his family) raised on the issue of the date of the death of Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib (may God be pleased with him), in terms of whether it was before the birth of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace).  God be upon him and his family) and it is established that he was born an orphan, as is well known, or after his birth, then he denies that.

 By extrapolating the historical narrations that they adopted in this regard and their opinions in it, it became clear that they differed in that, some of them adopt the first opinion, and some of them adopt the other opinion, and some of them mention both opinions without weighting, and by collecting some of the clues that are related to the subject, those clues showed that the second opinion which  It is mentioned that he died two months after the birth of the Messenger, may God bless him and his family, is most likely.