Discussion of a master's thesis in the College of Education for Girls, Department of History, on the role of the Prophet and the imams of Ahl al-Bayt in preserving the Husseini revolution

On Thursday 10/11/2022, the College of Education for Girls held a master’s thesis discussion entitled (The Role of the Messenger Muhammad and the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt in Preserving the Hussainiya Revolution) by the student Sarah Majid Hamid Al-Akaili and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rabab Jabbar Taher Al-Sudani
The thesis included three chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion. The thesis came to show that the Husseini revolution was not a transient historical event in the course of Islamic codification, due to the close connection between that revolution and the heavenly mandate to launch it, the inevitability of its occurrence and its legitimacy.
The researcher dealt with the role of the Prophet Muhammad in the foundational building to preserve the Husseini revolution before its occurrence, the role of the entrenched imams in preserving the Husseini revolution, and the guiding role of the Messenger and the imams of Ahl al-Bayt in preserving the Husseini revolution