Teaching participation from the University of Basra in the national team Quranic competition


Teaching participation from the College of Education for Girls / Department of History in the national team Quranic competition
Prof. Dr. Kifaya Tarish Al-Ali, Rapporteur of the Central Committee and a member of the University of Basra liaison with the House of the Noble Qur’an affiliated with the Hussain Shrine, headed the Basra University students’ team to participate in the national team Qur’anic competition for Iraqi university students, which was set up by the above-mentioned house at the University of Warith Al-Anbiya in Karbala Governorate
The competition aimed at memorization, recitation and interpretation with the participation of 28 Iraqi universities from Mosul to Basra, and the team of our university students, whose names are listed below, won the eighth place.
A- In memorization, student Muhammad Hijaz Mohsen, Faculty of Medicine, first stage
2- Student Qassem Shehab, College of Administration and Economics, third year accounting
3- In the interpretation of Abdul-Ala Radhi Farhan, management and economics, fourth accounting.