University of Basra organizes a symposium entitled “The People of the House in the Commandments of the Messenger (PBUH) Intellectual Dimensions and Practical Reality.

University of Basra organizes a symposium entitled “The People of the House in the Commandments of the Messenger (PBUH) Intellectual Dimensions and Practical Reality.

The Department of History at the College of Education for Girls organized a symposium on the Ahl al-Bayt in the commandments of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace), the intellectual dimensions and the applied reality, presented by the lecturer, Duaa Adnan.

The symposium discussed the commandments of the Messenger (PBUH), which included many contents and dimensions, whether political, social or economic, that dealt with the role of the imamate in the life of the nation through the repeated recommendation of the imamate of Ali and the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH).         

                                                                                                    The symposium also pointed to the emphasis of the Qur’anic text on the will, which was also reflected in the sayings of the Messenger (PBUH), in order to consolidate the concept of the will in the mentality of the nation so that it is legally and intellectually prepared for his commandments regarding his family and as a continuation of the commandments that preceded him and that came from previous prophecies. Therefore, we see him confirming the will and considering it It is a right for every Muslim and a duty for every Muslim.