A lecturer from the College of Education for Girls participates in a symposium on deviant thoughts and ways to address them

A lecturer from the College of Education for Girls participates in a symposium on deviant thoughts and ways to address them

Lecturer in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Dr. Hana Abdel Nabi Al-Abadi, participated in the symposium on deviant thoughts and ways to address them, which was held by the College of Industrial Management of Oil and Gas at the Basra University of Oil and Gas.

Al-Abadi discussed the social effects of deviant ideas and the role of cultural elites and scientific competencies in protecting society from deviant ideas.

 She stressed the need to address such deviations with educational guidance methods and work to enhance the culture of Iraqi youth in a way that protects them from all these suspicions that may harm us as an Iraqi society whose civilization and culture extends back thousands of years.