Basra University organizes a symposium on the art of good people

Basra University organizes a symposium on the art of good people

The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Education for Girls organized an in-person symposium entitled (The Art of Choice), which included four topics:

The first topic presented by Dr. Resal Hussein dealt with the definition of choice and the importance of awareness in choosing all aspects of life.

As for the second topic, Dr. Ghaida Hussein touched on the necessity of paying attention to the foundations of choosing the appropriate partner according to specific criteria according to individual differences between people, taking into account the rule of reason and staying away from negative emotions.

The third topic dealt with the concept of positive selfishness, which was presented by teacher Sarah Ibrahim, in which she urged the necessity of self-respect and not pleasing others by choosing at the expense of oneself because that leads to failure in relationships.

The fourth topic, presented by the teacher Beida Daoud, concluded with how to choose the appropriate time and organize it to perform various social and educational tasks, because choosing the appropriate time helps to complete the task perfectly.