The University of Basra is discussing joint cooperation with the governorate office and the Directorate of Education in Basra.

A delegation from the Faculty of Education for Girls at the University of Basra visited the governorate office and the Directorate of Education in Basra to discuss the joint cooperation agreement.

 If the two parties discuss the mechanism of the joint cooperation agreement in the academic and scientific fields for functional cadres (administrative and educational) in government institutions, due to the urgent need to intensify career and guidance awareness, strengthen professional ties and social ties, and intensify efforts to advance the career sector in all specializations and functional fields.

In addition to holding electronic workshops and seminars for the managers of these institutions, which makes it easier for them to join them from anywhere without the hassle of transportation, distance, and delay in completing business management in their institutions.

The two parties expressed their thanks and gratitude for this academic cooperative initiative and its great role in advancing the career sector.

Media and Government Communication Division/College of Education for Girls.