Participation of female lecturers at the College of Education for Girls at the University of Basra in a scientific symposium in cooperation with the College of Science entitled "The Flood of Al-Aqsa"


The symposium aimed at the importance of raising awareness of the Palestinian and Lebanese cause and the necessity for the educational institution to take upon itself the responsibility of guidance, support and increasing students' awareness of the cause.

The symposium included two main axes. In the first axis, lecturer Sura Mansour Nasser addressed the interpretation of the flood, its causes and results. Lecturer Marwa Yasser explained Gaza's steadfastness in the face of betrayal and the suppression of the entity, as she addressed the impact of Arab betrayal of the Palestinian and Lebanese cause and the importance of Iraqi support for the two causes.

The symposium recommended the necessity of standing with the right and defending the Palestinian cause

and increasing support and support for the displaced Lebanese and calling and directing to carry out

campaigns for financial donations and logistical support for the displaced and the resistance.

Division of Media and Government Communication/College of Education for Girls