Basra University organizes a seminar on the educational strategies imposed by Covid 19.
The Media of the College of Education for Women.
The College of Education for Women at Basra University organized a seminar on the educational strategies imposed by Covid 19.
The seminar, which is presented by the lecturer Amal Mahdi Jabr in the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, included defining the strategy and how to transform electronic learning into effective education capable of increasing students' motivation through intellectual stimulation and positive communication between the lecturer and the student and making the student the focus of the educational process.
Jabr addressed the types of electronic teaching strategies: including learning, electronic group discussions, project-based education, multimedia strategy and electronic games, and the flipped classroom strategy, as well as the negotiation-oriented strategy and its most important steps.
The aim of the seminar was to introduce the lecturer to the most important strategies that help to develop students' thinking and increase their interaction with education.