An electronic symposium was held in the Continuing Education Division at the College of Education for Girls entitled (Methods of coating surfaces by electrostatic deposition)
The symposium that was given by the assistant teacher (Rawa Zahid Jafat) from the University College of Hilla included talking about the surface is the most important parts of any engineering component and its properties respond to the performance of engineering materials for the most failures such as the corrosion that occurs on the surface of the metal and because corrosion is one of the basic parts of the deterioration of industrial parts
The symposium aimed to find appropriate ways to reduce corrosion and cost, and paint is the one that improves the mechanical properties of the basic materials, most treatments need metal, especially the surface of wrought iron in order to get the best conditions
The symposium concluded that there are many ways to treat, but the common method is surface coating to reduce surface resistance to corrosion, hardness and improve properties.