An electronic symposium in the Division of Continuing Education, College of Education for Girls, on domestic violence

An electronic symposium on domestic violence was held in the Division of Continuing Education in the College of Education for Girls
The symposium delivered by Assistant Professor Dr. Rafif Abdel Hafez Al-Riahi and Assistant Professor Dr. Sinan Saeed Al-Asadi dealt with the definition of domestic violence as inflicting harm among members of the same family, such as the husband’s violence against his wife, the violence of one or both parents towards the children, or the violence of the children towards their parents, as this includes Psychological, physical, sexual abuse, threats, neglect, or deprivation of rights from their owners. Usually, the abuser is the stronger party that practices violence against the abuser, who represents the weaker party. The doctor also discussed how this nightmare threatens the lives of children and destroys marital life, and what are the motives for violence Families, its causes and what are the solutions to eliminate this phenomenon
The course aimed to explain the types of domestic violence, what are the effects of violence, and the role of psychological counseling in treating domestic violence.
  The symposium showed that domestic violence also contributes to delinquency, drug abuse and school dropout