An electronic scientific symposium at the University of Basra in cooperation with Al-Mustansiriya University on the dangers of electronic extortion on young people

The Division of Continuing Education in the College of Education for Girls, University of Basra, in cooperation with the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance and the Division of Continuing Education in the College of Basic Education and scientific cooperation within the (visiting professor) program, organized a scientific lecture on (the dangers of electronic extortion on young people)
The symposium aimed to introduce electronic extortion and ways to prevent it as a widespread phenomenon in society
The symposium presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Mohsen Yas Al-Amiri and Assistant Professor Dr. Ravief Abdel-Hafiz from the University of Basra dealt with several discussions, the most important of which was the definition of electronic extortion, its causes, forms, methods of use, and methods of prevention.
  The workshop came out with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is not to communicate with the blackmailer, even when exposed to severe pressure, avoid transferring any sums of money, or disclosing the bank card number, avoid altercations with the blackmailer and not threaten him with the police, and report when the incident occurs directly to the competent authorities, and contact The official authorities concerned with electronic crime can be contacted at the following numbers: 131 or 533, which are hot numbers that work day and night in responding to victims or complainants about a case of electronic extortion inside Iraq.