An electronic symposium at the University of Basra on the art of dealing with the child

The Division of Continuing Education in the College of Education for Girls organized an electronic symposium on (the art of dealing with children)
The symposium presented by Mr. Ali Abdel-Ridha Al-Atafi aimed to present the most prominent arts of dealing with the child in order to raise him properly and correctly.
The symposium included a statement that the first years of a child’s life are the fruitful years, where the first images are imprinted in the mind and in the soul, and the seeds of good behavior are planted easily and easily through example and guidance. ..all future there begins.
The symposium showed that it is not possible to enter the global context towards leadership without directing the energy of the family to carry out this task through a qualitative guide that is easy to handle and has a great impact, which is the first effort made by a specialized team that believes in the idea.
For every mother and father who is keen on the future of their children and the country, from here begins the making of the future.