An electronic symposium at the University of Basra entitled (Job stability in sustainable development)

An electronic symposium at the University of Basra entitled (Job stability in sustainable development)
The Continuing Education Unit in the College of Education for Girls organized a scientific symposium entitled (Job Stability in Sustainable Development)
The symposium delivered by the teacher (M. M. Asma Khaled Talib Al-Samarrai) from the University of Maysan / College of Basic Education / Department of History aimed at linking job stability and financial stability
During the symposium, the lecture dealt with poverty in sustainable development, as the lack of stability or job security in the educational and non-educational departments of the state indicates the emergence of the poverty line in Iraqi society.
The scientific symposium was a study conducted on the Iraqi society in particular, shedding light on what will be the situation of Iraqi society for the year 2030, where the problems were identified and proposed laws were developed to legislate them for application and salvation by addressing the emergence of the poverty line in the State of Iraq for the year 2030 and the reflection of its application leads to the solution of many economic and social problems and problems Education process.