A master's  thesis at Basra University discusses the religious beliefs of the ancient peoples in the Holy Quran.

 A master's  thesis at Basra University discusses the religious beliefs of the ancient peoples in the Holy Quran.

The Media of the College of Education  for Women.

A master thesis was discussed in the College of Education for Women at Basra University . The thesis was entitled "The  Religious Beliefs of Ancient Peoples in the Holy Quran- A Historical Study:The Population of Mesopotamia, as a Model". 

The thesis , titled " Religious Beliefs of Ancient Peoples in the Holy Quran- A Historical Study: The Population of Mesopotamia as a Model" by the student Zainab Muhammad Ahmed Ibrahim includes an introduction and four chapters: The first chapter dealt with the ancient Iraqi peoples in the Holy Quran, their orgins, their homeland, and their age. The second chapter examined the doctrinal link between the Iraqi peoples in monotheism, polytheism, and worship. The third chapter discussed the beliefs of the ancient Iraqi peoples in magic, astrology, dreams,and the world after death, while the fourth chapter was about the motives of the religious beliefs of the ancient Iraqi peoples. The thesis message is that the religious beliefs were of utmost importance in the life of the ancient peoples, or perhaps they are among the most important factors affecting the  course of their lives and civilization, and given that the Holy Quran is the most truthful and most correct source because it has an indisputable historical document, it is  valid to be a source for studying ancient history, it provides historical facts about news and events of the ancient peoples.