Two female lecturers at Basra University participate in an electronic workshop at Al-Mustansiriya University

Two female lecturers at Basra University participate in an electronic workshop at Al-Mustansiriya University

The Media of the College of Education for Women

      Two female lecturers at the College of Education for Women at Basra University, Dr. Amal Mahdi Jaber Al-Bahadli and Dr. Rafeef Abdul-Hafidh Muhammad Taqi Al-Riyahi, participated in an electronic workshop held by the Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance in the College of Basic Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, in cooperation with the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences in the College of Education for Women, Basra University.

    The workshop included two lectures: the first was entitled “Blended learning is a necessity in the time of Corona” presented by Dr. Amal Mahdi Jaber, and the second lecture was entitled “How feelings of anxiety and tension is transformed into positive energy” presented by Dr. Rafeef Abdul-Hafidh.

   The workshop recommended that lecturers should seriously consider the topic of blended education as a new strategy that seeks to develop the educational process, and emphasized the provision of all the requirements of blended education, such as developing qualified educational personnel through courses and seminars, providing computers and all means of transmitting information, and confirming by institutions that Education in an interactive way aimed at developing the student’s scientific skills, and activating counseling meetings electronically to help students get rid of anxiety and fear of emerging situations.

   The workshop aims to shed light on the implications behind the transition from traditional education to blended education, and how to integrate learning, as well as its models and the factors for its success to benefit from it and employ it effectively and productively.