Master's thesis at the University of Basra discusses "The role of the theory of mental spaces in interpreting the linguistic structure of the Qur'an".
A master's thesis at the College of Education for Girls at the University of Basra discussed "The role of the theory of mental spaces in interpreting the linguistic structure of the Qur'an".
The thesis presented by researcher Fatima Khairallah Katea Faeil Al-Salihi in the Department of Arabic Language aimed to know the cognitive processes that contribute to building meaning in the Qur'anic verses and to know the extent of the effectiveness of the theory of mental spaces in clarifying the conceptual structures for interpreting some Qur'anic verses, and whether the networks of mental spaces in the Qur'anic stories have an effect on clarifying the objectives of the Qur'anic stories.
The thesis included a theory about the cognitive school and cognitive semantics and its theories and the application of mental spaces in the Holy Qur'an, as this theory is a complementary theory to the Qur'anic interpretations in understanding the Qur'anic discourse.
It concluded that this theory is effective in understanding the mentality of the Qur'anic interpreter, as it is complementary to the Qur'anic interpretations in understanding the Qur'anic discourse.
Government Media and Communication Division/College of Education for Girls.