A master's thesis at the University of Basra discusses the containment policy of the Assyrian kings

A master's thesis at the University of Basra discusses the containment policy of the Assyrian kings

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 A master's thesis at the College of Education for Women at the University of Basra discussed the policy of containment among the Assyrian kings

 The thesis, which was titled (The Politics of Containment for the Assyrian Kings 2006 - 612 BC) by the student Worod Abbas Laftah, included four chapters: the first chapter dealt with the Assyrians, their origins, their names, the geography of their country and the stages of their political history, while the second chapter dealt with the diplomatic methods and political intermarriages of the Assyrian kings,  The third chapter is devoted to the pardon of the Assyrian kings, while the fourth chapter deals with the other aspects of the containment policy of the Assyrian kings.

 The thesis aims to address an important aspect of the internal and external policy of the Assyrian kings, and attempts to reveal its dimensions, motives, and consequences as well. This topic was chosen because it was not singled out for any independent academic study.

 The letter discussed that the Assyrian kings faced many external problems and dangers, and it is noticeable that among the most important things they adopted to address these challenges as a whole, diplomatic methods and political marriage are the most important political methods through which the Assyrian kings sought to contain all the external problems and dangers they faced.