Basra University organizes an electronic lecture on drugs and ways to treat them

Basra University organizes an electronic lecture on drugs and ways to treat them

The College of Education for Women at the University of Basra organized an electronic lecture on the psychological effects of drug abuse and ways to treat it.

The lecture aimed to shed light on the drug problem, which is one of the biggest problems faced by countries in the world and which they are striving to combat; Because of its serious damage to the health, social, economic and security aspects.

The lecture, which was presented by Dr. Hana Al-Abadi from Basra University and the teacher Muntaha Hassan from Al-Mustansiriya University, dealt with the definition of the terms addiction and drugs and the reasons why the individual is at risk of addiction. and its shapes

The study concluded that drug addiction occurs most often among those with low academic level, especially those of young ages, and the family and the competent authorities should follow up on these people to reduce or reduce addiction.