University of Basra organizes a symposium on "World Chastity Day".


The College of Education for Girls at the University of Basra organized a symposium on "World Chastity Day" on the anniversary of the birth of Lady Zainab al-Kubra (peace be upon her) in cooperation with the office of the reference Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi (may his shadow be extended) in Basra.

The symposium aimed to explain the importance of chastity and the role of the veil in the making of the human being in the light of the conferences and their results.

The symposium, which was fully lectured by His Eminence Sheikh Fayez al-Mayahy, Dr. Thaer al-Aqili, Director of the Center for Fatimid and Educational Studies, Zainab Fadhel Muhammad, Dr. Ahmed Razzaq, and the lecturer Zainab Saeb Abdul Amir, with valuable research papers on the importance of chastity and its role in the life of the human being and society.

Division of Media and Government Communication/College of Education.